Very pleased to present the next show!
Robyn Dell’ Unto is one of my favourite singer-songwriters and her second album Little Lines was one my favourites of last year. Now based in Toronto, Robyn got her start in Hamilton while attending McMaster. Folk duo Quails in the Nest are always one of my favourite local acts to have. Wildwood are formerly The Conservation Authority and are back with a new sound, and Dana Swarbrick is a talented McMaster student. She even gives myself (Kristin) and I Heart Hamilton a shout out in her new song, “Turn It On”! This is going to be a great night!
I Heart Hamilton Presents:
Robyn Dell’Unto
Quails in the Nest
Dana & The Monsters Under The Bed
Friday, February 27, 2015
The Baltimore House, 43 King William Street
$5 / 9 PM / All Ages
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