I am super stoked to announce the next I Heart Hamilton show! I’ve been following Stella Ella Ola since the demos they released back in the summer of 2012. The band features two members of Hollerado and I’m so excited that this is their first Hamilton show!
I Heart Hamilton Presents:
Stella Ella Ola
The Ascot Royals
Marra Koren
Friday, October 17, 2014
The Baltimore House, 43 King William Street
$8 / 9 PM / 19+
— FB event —

Hi – very interested in seeing Stella Ella Ola but i might not be able to get there for 9pm. Looks like her band is headliner so perhaps on last. wondering if you you know approx. what time SEO will go on stage at baltimore house on oct 17
thanks so much
Hi Jenn! Stella Ella Ola will be on third, around 11:15! – Kristin