The Purple Pony Ice Cream Shop 346 Wilson Street East, Ancaster
Here we go – the third and final stop for Ice Cream Month. At the time I post this, The Purple Pony will be closed (they’re open May – September) so, next year, a month dedicated to ice cream will have to come much sooner in the summer.
It worked out well that all of my ice cream trips were paired with a different farmers’ market – I visited the Stoney Creek Dairy and the Punch Bowl Country Market in one day, Dr. Scoop at Ottawa Street Market, and my Purple Pony trip was followed by a stop at Ancaster Farmers’ Market.

I couldn’t get over how adorable The Purple Pony is. The space is like a little barn, complete with a weather vane on top. True to its name, there is a giant purple pony at the end of the driveway, and several more purple ponies are scattered in between some benches leading up to the door, along with pastel drawings in chalk across the driveway by those who decide to get a little artsy.
I wasn’t expecting the interior to be so pretty, with lavender coloured walls, chandeliers, and a 50s style black and white diamond-patterned floor. Not to mention all the eye-catching colours of the ice creams, toppings, and candy. And the mini cones were just too cute.
I notoriously took forever to choose a flavour as I marvelled over everything, but had in mind that I wanted to try something new. That made for a pretty easy choice once I saw the flavour Cannonballs, consisting of green vanilla, strawberry ripple, and malted milk balls. I was set! It was a very tasty choice. I had to get a waffle cone, of course, and a nice little touch was the word “Joy” written across the wrapper.
There is something childlike, innocent, and nostalgic about ice cream, and that is something The Purple Pony has really embraced. While I was there, a family came in, with two little girls and their mother dressed all in purple for the occasion. In fact, I was later reminded that growing up I had a purple pony of my own – a My Little Pony called Sherbet with a sundae marked on its side.
It’s impossible not to be charmed by The Purple Pony; I was happy to have them conclude my Ice Cream Month and I look forward to visiting again as soon as they open next spring.
– Kristin