The Printed Word 69 King Street West Dundas
By Trish Gallant
Photos by Lisa Vuyk
Hi friends!! It’s been a little while. Have you read anything interesting? Cursed Child anyone?! ANYONE?! <3 Scorpius. Anyway…
Back in August, the good ol’ I Heart Hamilton Book Crawl moseyed on into Dundas to check out its new bookstore, The Printed Word.
I had heard many great things about it so I was super excited to finally go check it out. The store had only been open for just about 2 months, so if you haven’t heard of it, no worries, it’s still brand new!

One of the first things you notice when walking in, is just how bright and welcoming the store is. Shelves and shelves of books line the walls and just when you think you’ve hit the end of the store and there couldn’t be any more books, the store continues on just a little bit further. Isn’t that the best? I love when bookstores are like that.
Shop owner, James McDonald, has quite the extensive, and impressive, poetry collection. If poetry is your thing, this is definitely the place for you to check out. Not only is there a large amount of collections, they’re so well organized, making it super easy to find what you’re looking for.

Walking further into the store will bring you to a great selection of fiction and sci-fi/fantasy including the cutest little nook of vintage classics.
Possibly my favourite part of the store, though, was the very last room. James has done up his children’s nook SO DANG CUTE, guys. Seriously. Next to poetry, I would say children’s books are definitely The Printed Word’s specialty. James takes such pride in his collection, often driving far and wide to accumulate new treasures. The books he stocks are bursting with amazing illustrations; I wanted to take them all home.

As always we had to ask what James’s favourite books are. Without any real hesitation he answered:
Seascape: Needle’s Eye – George Oppen
Moscow To the End of the Line – Venedikt Erofeev
Jacob Von Gunten – Robert Walser
I’m always amazed at how fast people are answering with their favourites. I have new favourites every 3 minutes.

I didn’t leave the store empty handed; are any of you surprised? No?
I left with 3 of the cutest little Penguin 60’s Classics:
Beowulf and Grendel
Jason and the Argonauts – Apollonius of Rhodes
An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving and Other Stories – Louisa May Alcott
As well as:
Dracula – Bram Stoker
Mill on the Floss – George Elliot (Penguin English Library edition, whaaaat!!! Does anyone else collect these? No?)
Ariel – Sylvia Plath (Possibly my favourite purchase of the day. It’s one of the harder collections to find).

Upon leaving the store I couldn’t help but get distracted by all the beautiful Loeb Classical Library books James has. I wanted them all ☹ ☹ I have a big birthday coming up, guys, I would not turn away one of those bad boys. I’m just sayin…
Go check out The Printed Word if you’re in Dundas. If you’re not in Dundas go anyway.
Go. Go, go.
Happy reading!
Ps: While James WILL take your books please give him a call first to set up a time when the store isn’t open and don’t be mad if he doesn’t take everything you offer. His store is so beautifully curated there is something for everyone.

Hi Would you have ” The Cholera Beacon by Elam Stimson printed in Dundas
Hi Allan! You would have to check with the shop on this 🙂