* Contest is now closed *
Heart Of Ontario presents The Quilt Of Belonging at The Cotton Factory (270 Sherman Ave. N)) from July 10-August 16th. Along with daily activities and programming, there is an awesome musical lineup every weekend.
I Heart Hamilton is giving away a pair of tickets to each show this weekend!
Friday, July 21, 2017
Mississippi Bends
— Purchase tickets —
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Dan Edmonds, Coszmos Quartette, Emma VanDyk
— Purchase tickets —
For a chance to win:
Send an email to ihearthamiltontour@gmail.com with “Quilt Of Belonging” as the subject. Please include your full name and which show you wish to attend. Winner will be chosen at random and notified via email on July 20th. You will pick up the tickets at the show.
Thank you to The Cotton Factory for the tickets.