The Ship 23 Augusta Street
I met up with Biljana of Cut From Steel at The Ship for a chat about blogging, music, my upcoming birthday fundraiser show, and, what else? Our beloved Hammer!
I was a big fan of Biljana’s work as the head writer of Happening Hamilton. I learned that she also ran a blog called Explore Hamilton, a few years ago. Now I’m loving her new project Cut From Steel, which showcases the incredible local music of our city as well as interviews with big names who pass through town.
We had a great chat about music and compared notes on some of our favourites. Some of our highlights of last year included some huge shows at This Ain’t Hollywood, like Cadence Weapon and Diamond Rings. We both noted that through running our respective blogs, we’ve been exposed to new music that we might not have listened to otherwise. We make it a point to seek out different genres and artists and our tastes in music have expanded as a result.
I still want to have a proper meal at The Ship, because their menu looks so great. This time we just fancied a small snack, so we shared an appetizer – Popcorn Alligator. That was definitely a new experience for me! Who knew – alligator is pretty tasty. Paired with a pitcher of Amsterdam Blonde, we were set.

An amazing is discovery is that Biljana, Luke of Extreme Nonchalance, Hamilton’s intrepid reporter Joey Coleman, and myself, all went to the same high school – Glendale Secondary in the East End. Biljana and I also realized we were in a couple English classes together at McMaster. I’m blown away every time by some of the connections I’ve made in this city!
Partway through our chat, Biljana noticed George Pettit of Alexisonfire at the bar, along with Sam Sutherland. I had just interviewed Sam earlier that day about this book Perfect Youth: The Birth of Canadian Punk. It was an insane coincidence and I was excited to meet them both before seeing them later in the week at their event at The Casbah. As Sam put it, serendipitous!
I had a great time learning more about Biljana and dishing about the city. Check out Biljana’s interview with me on Cut From Steel.
Big thanks, B, for hanging out and for the writeup. Bloggers, unite!
– Kristin