I was very pleased to attend Food4Kids’ Annual General Meeting and Community Appreciation this past week to celebrate all that this wonderful organization has accomplished these past two years. Having learned about the organization through visiting in April 2013, I was moved by the work they do. I was so thrilled to be able to contribute, choosing them as the organization who would receive the proceeds of I Heart Hamilton’s last two fundraisers, The Playlist 2.0 and The Playlist 3.0.

At the meeting, which took place at Ancaster Old Town Hall, board members and supporters came together and it was amazing to hear about all of Food4Kids’ achievements. They have gone from serving 14 schools and 320 children in 2013 to 45 schools and 740 children in 2014, with a goal to reach 1000 children in the near future. It is incredible what they have done in such a short time.
After the meeting, awards were given to businesses, schools, and individuals who have contributed to the program’s success. I was so surprised and honoured to receive The Big Heart Award! Being I Heart Hamilton, after all, it was so amazing to receive this award and I am just so happy that this little project could be used as a platform to give back to the community. That really means so much.
Here are the recipients of this year’s Community Appreciation:
Volunteer of the Year Hamilton: Greg Rust
Volunteer of the Year Burl Oak: Jim Guild
Volunteer of the Year Halton North: Artruro & Mary- Anne Figliomeni
Big Heart Award: Kristin Archer
Caring About Kids Award: CHCH TV
Nicola Jones Inspiration Award: Brenda Campbell
School of the Year Hamilton: Dr. E Davey
School of the Year BurlOak: St Bernadette, Oakville
School of the Year North: Park St, Georgetown, ON
Corporate Partner of the Year: Tim Horton Store Owners Hamilton
Service Club of the Year: Milton Optimist Club
Community Spirit Award: Tandia
I encourage everyone to check out Food4Kids to learn more and help out. Thank you to all the volunteers who contribute all year long!
– Kristin