I Heart Hamilton’s: The Playlist 3.0 (Fundraiser for Food4Kids)
This Ain’t Hollywood 345 James Street North
I must recap one of my summer highlights for the third year running – I Heart Hamilton’s annual fundraiser event. I am so thrilled that I could bring The Playlist back for the third time (almost hard to believe it was the third!). I put so much thought and planning into this for the first half of the year that I’m always so anxious for the show when it happens!
Like last year, I chose to donate all of the proceeds from the show to Food4Kids. If you’re not familiar – they provide nutritious food packages for children who have limited or no access to food over the weekends. It’s incredible to know the difference that Food4Kids has been making in the community – they are now feeding 740 kids each weekend. With every visit to their office, I’m touched by the warmth from Executive Director Lena Bassford and the wonderful staff and volunteers. Those who donate their time to the cause truly do it out of love and compassion and it’s amazing to see.
I lucked out again with an amazing bunch of musicians who donated their time to the night: Brielle Melle, Haolin Munk, The Tallest Tree, Hands & Teeth, The Medicine Hat. I’m continually blown away by our music community and I was so excited to see everyone perform. The audience loved them all!
With everyone’s contributions, including This Ain’t Hollywood who generously donated a portion of the bar sales from the night, I Heart Hamilton’s The Playlist 3.0 raised $1066 for Food4Kids. I’m so happy that we could achieve this – thank you everyone!

Watch footage from the night filmed by Sound Cave Productions:
Recap of the night
Brielle Melle
Haolin Munk
The Tallest Tree
Hands & Teeth

Big thank you’s to the following:
- Food4Kids for teaming up with I Heart Hamilton on this event for the third year in a row; Lena Bassford for her wonderful support and dedication to Food4Kids
- The performers: Brielle Melle, Haolin Munk, The Tallest Tree, Hands & Teeth, The Medicine Hat for lending their amazing talents to the cause and making up this awesome bill
- This Ain’t Hollywood for hosting and generously donating a portion of the bar sales to the cause; Lou Molinaro and Jodie Faulman; Lindsay Campbell for her work at the door; Doug Smith on sound; all of the bar staff. Love working with you all!
- Darlene MacNeil for the awesome poster design
- Mitch Winestock for the poster printing
- Sound Cave Productions for coming to the show and helping to document the night with photos and video
- Grant Winestock for the music mixes playing throughout the night
- Dr. Disc staff for help with promotion and ticket sales
- All local shops and restaurants who hung the fundraiser’s poster in their businesses
- All media who interviewed me and helped promote the show
Thank you to everyone who attended, shared the event on social media, and brought positive energy to the night! It always means so much!
– Kristin