Just announced! Another showcase from The JUNO Awards as we gear up for the big day – “The Love Song Edition” will be held Saturday, February 14th at Mills Hardware.
Performers include: Ben Somer, Brad Germain (Dinner Belles), Dylan Hudecki (By Divine Right, Cowlick), George Pettit (Alexisonfire, Dead Tired), Ginger St. James, Lou Molinaro (Tongue Fu), Rita Chiarelli, Sarah Good, Terra Lightfoot, Tom Wilson (Junkhouse, Blackie & the Rodeo Kings, Lee Harvey Osmond) and Wayne Petti (Cuff the Duke), and featuring Harlan Pepper as house band — with more TBA.
Advance tickets are available now and proceeds will benefit MusiCounts.
The JUNOs Concert Series: The Love Song Edition
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Mills Hardware (95 King Street East)
$20 Advance / $25 at Door
(Proceeds to MusiCounts)
— Buy tickets —