I Heart Hamilton is excited to premiere the brand new single by Hamilton-based electronic art pop artist Calcedon!

Calcedon is the musical project of Brielle Goheen. The artist’s debut album Echo In was released in 2017 and was an easy choice at year’s end as one of the best local offerings. The album also made the ranks of 2017’s Polaris Music Prize Longer List – no small feat, given the volume of Canadian music released every year. The project impressed me all the more when hearing it performed live with the full band. The electronic elements are all intricately reproduced live, along with Brielle’s beautiful violin prowess.

Calcedon returns with a brand new single, “To The Light” – out today! While the song means something uniquely personal to the artist, it’s a sentiment that feels all the more poignant right now in our world. We will get through this only if we work together, to the light!

A note from the artist:
This song is a gritty anthem of hope. I originally wrote this song while working through postpartum depression after the birth of my second child. I had never experienced something so dark, so all encompassing, so debilitating. The path I walked in that time led me to realize the inestimable value of my community – leaning into others to hope for me in moments when I couldn’t hope for myself. The love and care I received from others helped me see that there was light at the end of the tunnel; and the love and care I had for others energized me to fight the darkness.

What I learned in that liminal time is this: we are not in control, and we never have been. Sometimes our path takes us through the thick of the abyss. But the journey will be lighter if we travel it together, in community as we stumble toward the light, refusing to give up the fight. Together, holding out hope and beauty for each other when one falters, we will reach the other side.

Find the track on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Bandcamp.

Thank you Calcedon for the premiere!

Kristin Archer is the creator of I Heart Hamilton (www.ihearthamilton.ca), where she has blogged about experiences around her hometown since 2011, growing a social media presence along the way. Encouraging locals to “be a tourist in your own city,” she promotes arts and culture across her various social media platforms, blog, and weekly radio show on 93.3 CFMU.

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