Cake and Loaf Bakery 321 Dundurn Street South
Happy Birthday, Cake & Loaf! I was so excited for the neighbourhood bakery to be celebrating its one year anniversary, and what a year it has been in Hamilton. It has been so rewarding to see the blog grow alongside local businesses – I remember well my first visit to the bakery when they opened last year. It was a lot of fun meeting co-owners Josie and Nickey and getting a great tour of the place. They have worked so hard and have served the community well – and it was time to party!
Brightly-coloured banners were strung in and outside the already colourful shop and two more local food favourites, Sweet Ice Snow Cones and Gorilla Cheese were on hand for the festivities. It was the perfect team of community foodies – the now famous grilled cheese truck just hit their one year mark this summer, while the snow cone gals are nearing theirs. With I Heart Hamilton having celebrated its one year this past spring, I’m in great company!
It was a hot, humid day and I was still buzzing from my dark roast coffee jolt at Johnny’s on Locke. What better treat to go with that than a cake pop! There was an adorable spread of complimentary, and very tasty, rainbow-sprinkled chocolate cake pops set up for customers to snack on. Coffee and a cake pop before noon – that sure woke me up.
Of course, I had to pick up some of Cake & Loaf’s amazing baked goods to take home. I selected two loaves of their breads, the flavourful Organic Multigrain and Cinnamon Raisin Swirl. One savoury and one sweet. They had so many treats out on display, I couldn’t resist also grabbing a Red Velvet Beet cupcake too. I bought some cake and loafs – how apropos!
Chatting with Josie, I said it’s hard to believe that it has been a year now since the bakery’s open. She noted that it feels like they have been around for much longer, like she’s always had a neighbourhood bakery!
Here’s to many more years to come, Cake & Loaf!
– Kristin