Fieldcote Memorial Park & Museum 64 Sulphur Springs Road
Hello everyone! Hope you have been able to keep up with our adventures in Hamilton! Today the girls and I set off for tea at Fieldcote Memorial Park and Museum, located just off of Sulphur Springs Road. Our stay at Fieldcote was certainly filled with delight and surprise.
We first ventured into the museum where we were introduced to an exhibit featuring pictures of birds taken at Cootes Paradise. The exhibit was accompanied by a recording of bird sounds and a display featuring a canoe, birds and long grass to help set the stage of being outdoors. The set up in the museum was certainly a work of art in itself and made me think that stopping by Cootes Paradise may not be a bad idea. Who knows, maybe we’ll have to add that one to our list!
While we were exploring the museum we were accompanied by a sea of Red Hatters. If you are unaware of who the Red Hatters are, do not fret, we didn’t know either, so it became our mission to find out more about them. We made a video documentary of our time spent at the Fieldcote and interviewed the queen of the Red Hatters herself! It turns out that the Red Hat Society is a group of women aged 50 and over who get together once a month to fundraise for specific causes or just to socialize and enjoy each other’s company. As you might have guessed, all Red Hatter members fashion a red hat during gatherings. They were a joy to talk to and it was clear that they truly enjoyed having fun! Although we did not have fun red hats, we did arrive for tea wearing fancy hair fascinators so luckily we did not feel too left out.

Let’s not forget about the tea! The girls and I sat outside on a patio where we were surrounded by Fieldcote’s beautiful lush gardens. To accompany our tea we each chose a different flavoured slice of pie. Avishka tried out rhubarb pie, Kristin cherry pie and I had the classic apple pie. During our tea we had the honour of sitting with a woman named Betty who was awarded senior citizen of the year twice, once in 1994 and 2001. We really enjoyed her company and sharing stories about Hamilton together.
Fieldcote is definitely a cozy and unique place to check out if you are in the mood for tea! This pretty much sums up our day.
Until next tea time!