Chocolat On James 123 James Street North
There’s a lot to love about Chocolat on James (ok, mainly the chocolate!!) but during this visit I was here to log it as an ice cream tour stop. Bring on the ice cream! Or should I say, le crème glacée.
During June’s Art Crawl on James Street North, Chocolat On James was celebrating their first anniversary. Luckily for them, their store is so festive, celebrating was pretty easy to do! The shop is chock full of unreal chocolate in all its forms: truffles, bars, lots of candy, and they even serve coffee. Mint? Peanut butter? Dark chocolate? Almonds? You name it, they’ve got it. Right when you walk in the door, you see the rows and rows of treats in their display cases, and shelves line the walls with even more deletable goodies. I had a field day back in the wintertime while shopping for some holiday gifts.
Ice cream is a new venture for the shop, and after seeing those cones, I knew I had to get my paws on one! Being a busy summer Art Crawl night, the team had their efficient system down to an art. You started with a sheet that lists all of the flavour combinations. Pick your type of chocolate, type of cone and toppings. Sounds easy, but you know me and my indecisiveness when it comes to ice cream and flavours!
They have classic soft serve ice cream, and then comes the fun part. Waffle cones are my jam, and it was a dreamy sight to see rows of waffles cones and bowls with various candied rims. I chose one with rainbow sprinkles (but of course). The melty soft serve goodness is then enclosed in a thick layer of chocolate, and loads more toppings finish it off. I went Reese’s Pieces – couldn’t resist!
Be ready for this bad boy when you need your next ice cream fix – it’s really filling! That sugar kick will come in handy and keep you fueled during next Art Crawl.