If you didn’t attend A Midsummer’s Dream last year – where the heck were you?! Now in its third year, this colourful, wonderful event has become one of the highlights of my summer and I rave about it to those who have yet to experience it. It’s pure magic.
To recap – this is Southern Ontario’s premier colour festival. Inspired by the Hindu festival Holi, it’s all about celebrating “unity, peace, happiness and joy.” The event is also a food drive – all you need to be admitted is a canned good! This year the donations will be made to Living Rock.
A Midsummer’s Dream will be donating 5% of its sponsorship revenue to McMaster Children’s Foundation. There will also be a new addition to the festival, The Temple of Creativity. When you make a donation at a tent, you are provided with creative materials to make whatever you want! 100% of these proceeds will go to the McMaster Children’s Hospital.
There’s an even more impressive lineup of live music this year, along with food vendors, crafts, yoga, and of course, the incredible colour throws! And it all goes down in beautiful Gage Park.
Get refreshed with I Heart Hamilton’s coverage of the fest from the beginning.
Big thanks to MSD for including I Heart Hamilton on their website – my recap of last year and being listed as a Hamilton source!
A Midsummer’s Dream
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Gage Park, 1000 Main Street East
NOON – 9:30PM
FREE (Bring a non-perishable item for the food drive!)
Official Facebook page
Facebook event page
Twitter @hamontcolour #MSD
Promo video on YouTube